I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Money, money, money.

..it's so funny, in a rich men's world.

Sighs. I cant wait till i get my pay, seriously.
And get some extra cash after selling off my dslr and guitar as well. Geez, its heart breaking selling off my classical, but yes, it feels less heart breaking compare to the time when i sold my fender years ago. Sighs.

When i get money, i will..

- Pay off all my debts. Dont worry guys, imma pay you back.
- Get a friggin hard disk. My downloads is constantly going on everyday and every bit of space in my laptop is being used, there's really none left.
- Omg, converse! Did you see the new purple converse? Must have.
- Hair straightener. My fringe is .___.
- Heels, Shoes, Bags! Wtf.

There are so many things i need want, i gotta get. Another new headsets.
And yes, i owe money to my family as well. Meh.

Besides having money thoughts, ive been cleaning my room too. Im hoping it makes a difference, tho it looks quite the same, except less messier. And im giving away few of my soft toys too, *sniff*.

On an entirely different note, i love my job. Pretty hectic at some point, but fun. Im getting the hang of it (;


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