Listening to :
Touchdown Turnaround (Don't Give Up On Me) by Hellogoodbye
7th February 2010Chee Ho's surprise party was held at Plus8.
birthday boy :)
chee ho, thanks for all your thoughtful advices.
Teri darling! i love this girl to bits!
Dominic, and CheeHo at the back.
i had no idea what we were up to.
see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.
the next day ;
Chee Ho had a BBQ party at John's & Eddy's place.
i dropped by after celebrating mine with Stephiiekins and Erin.
Teri & Ishnee
there's a bunch more of pictures based on these two days, its on facebook if you wanna check it out.
im lazy to upload anymore of em', sorry.